2nd Term
Meaning of HIV/AIDS: HIV means Human Immune Deficiency Virus. It is the virus that causes AIDS which means Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.
How people can be infected by HIV/AIDS: Blood transfusion, Infected injection syringes, mother to unborn child, unsterilized hair cut instruments, sexual intercourse with infected persons.
Symptoms: there are two categories of HIV symptoms, namely: Major symptoms and Minor Symptoms. Major symptoms are: constant fever, loss of appetite for a long time, weight loss, prolonged diarrhea. Minor symptoms are: cough, whitish spots in the mouth, physical weakness, skin infections.
Prevention of HIV/AIDS: sterilize instruments before use, faithfulness to one’s uninfected spouse, use of condoms, total abstinence from casual sex, screening of blood before transfusion.
Cure for HIV/AIDS: the medical/scientific cure for HIV/AIDS has not yet been found. But with God all things are possible. Since God can raise the dead while science cannot, then even though science cannot cure HIV/AIDS God can cure it. Believe in God.
Jesus’ care for the sick (John 4:46-54; 5:1-8; 9:17)

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