2nd Term
Arrest and imprisonment of the apostle (Act 4:1-31; 5:17-42): After the healing at the Beautiful Gate, Peter and John entered the temple. While they were preaching, the Sadducees arrested them for teaching the people that Jesus resurrected, thereby converting a great number that day. The next day, Peter and John were made to stand before the High Priest and the members of his Council. They were amazed at the apostles’ boldness. They knew that the miraculous healing at the gate was too convincing for the people not to believe. So, they had to free them after instructing them not to preach the Gospel anymore.  On another occasion, the apostles were arrested and imprisoned for preaching, but that night, an angel freed them and told them to continue preaching in the temple. The next day when they wanted to arraign them before the High Priest, they weren’t found in the prison. So, they went back to the temple and re-arrested them. At a point in their trial, there was tension which made Gamaliel to tell the council to be careful what they do to these men. He made reference to similar movements in the past (Theudas, Judas the Galilean), and advised that if this present one is not of God, then it will fizzle out just the same way as the others, but if this is of God, then fighting them, you would only be fighting God in vain. The council heeded Gamaliel’s advice.

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