2nd Term
The promise of the Holy Spirit (Act 1:8): Even before his death, Jesus had promised not to leave his disciples lonely, but to give them a comforter, guardian and spiritual companion namely, the Holy Spirit. Eventually, at the point of ascension into heaven, Jesus reassured the disciples that His Heavenly Father would send them the Holy Spirit. The presence of the Holy Spirit upon them would empower them to witness to the whole world that the prophesy about the Messiah has been fulfilled. To witness such a thing would require extra-ordinary power because people would hardly believe unless they see signs and wonders. Thus, the Holy Spirit comes to give Christians all that it takes to accomplish The Great Commission.
The coming of the Holy Spirit (Act 2:1-13): On the day of Pentecost, the believers were gathered in one place. Suddenly, the Holy Spirit came in with a strong wind and rested on the head of each of them as a tongue of fire. Thus, they started speaking in different languages as the spirit gave them utterance. Then, the people that have come to Jerusalem from different parts of the world to celebrate the Pentecost, were amazed by the fact that they could hear them in their different languages. At first, they thought that the people were drunk, and they started making fun of them, but Peter addressed them in response.
Peter’s Speech (Act 2:14 -41): Peter told them that they are not drunk, but that what is happening is the fulfillment of Joel’s prophesy which is that on the last days, God would pour out his spirit upon all flesh… and whosoever that call upon the Lord shall be saved. Peter reminded them of the great miracles signs and wonders done through Jesus to show them that he is the Messiah. But out of unbelief, they killed him, yet God raised Jesus back to life just as David prophesied. Jesus has been raised to the right hand of the Father who has sent us the Holy Spirit as promised. What you now experience is his gift poured out on us. When the people heard this, they were greatly touched, and they asked what they must do to be saved. Peter told them to turn away from their sin, believe in Jesus and be baptized. Most of them believed, and about 3,000 people were converted that day. 

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