3rd Term
5th Week
Definition: political party is defined as an organized group of people with at least roughly similar political aims and opinions, and seeking to influence public policy by getting its candidates elected into public offices.
1.       Elitist parties: this is made up of political elites that are interested in contesting for elections. Ordinary people in such party are there only to assist in election campaigns. 
2.       Mass parties: this is for all and sundry. They recruit new members who are the source of party income and are often expected to spread party ideology as well as assist in elections.
3.       Religious parties: they seek political power in order to make public policies that align to their religious ideals.
4.       Charismatic party: this party is founded on the charisma of their leader and founder.
1.       Agreement: there must be agreement among its members
2.       Organization: its activities are strategic and organized, not spontaneous
3.       Aim Political power: its aim must be to seize political power either at the local, state or central level
4.       Partisanship: they require their members to be inclined to the party’s interest
5.       Voluntary membership: they appeal to the public for membership
6.       Ideology: they must have a particular ideology which they intend to promote through political power
7.       Manifesto: they must have a list of things they intend to achieve during their tenure if voted into power
1.       To streamline the miscellaneous ideas of the masses into their mainstream ideologies
2.       To contest during election against an opposition
3.       To present a candidate for election
4.       They bring people together to achieve control of the government
5.       They develop policies favorable to their interests or the groups that support them
6.       They organize and persuade voters to elect their candidates into office
Party manifestoes and its importance
Party manifesto is a published verbal declaration of the intentions, motives, or views of the political party. It is important in the following ways:
1.       It is used to entice or persuade the public to vote for the candidate
2.       It gives the party members a sense of direction
3.       It reduces the universality of the party’s ideology to particular needs of the people
4.       It helps members of the public to know what to expect
5.       It helps members of the public to assess the party with respect to the other parties

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