2nd Term

Meaning: The word ‘Democracy’ was derived from two Latin words ‘demo’ and ‘kratia’. Demo means people while Kratia means government. Thus, democracy means people-government, that is as Abraham Lincoln said, the government of the people, by the people and for the people. It is the people that run their own government either directly or through elected representatives.
Types of democracy
1. Direct democracy: this is the type of democracy in which all qualified adult citizens meet to make political decisions. It was possible in small city-states like Athens, but in modern states, due to the large population, all qualified adults cannot meet in one place to make political decisions directly. Hence, they adopt indirect democracy.
2. Indirect or representative democracy: In this type of democracy, the power is in the hands of the elected representatives who are elected by the people in elections. Thus, instead of all the qualified adults to meet and decide, it is the elected representatives that meet and make political decisions on behalf of the people.
1.       Characteristics of Democracy: (1) Franchise: the people are given the right to vote or be voted for
 (2) Periodic and regular election (3) Political liberty (4) Value of individual personality (5) Freedom of association (6) Political party (7) Corporate decision making (8) Rule of law (9) Fundamental human rights
Importance of democracy: (1) It bring about popular participation (2) Political stability (3) Legitimacy to the government (4) It prevents dictatorship (5) There is tolerance of opposing views (6) Laws and Decisions made are relevant to the people, and not just the ideals of the ruler.
Problems of democracy: (1) Rigging of elections hinders the elections from reflecting the will of the people (2) Lack of Sportsmanship makes some politicians to resort to violence when they lose an election (3) Mass illiteracy may make the people to vote for a wrong choice, and this wrong choice will be upheld due to majority. (4) It is difficult to reach a consensus

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